それはさておき、今夜はすばらしい満月ですね。ここ5年くらいはずっとCOATEDの手帳を持ち歩いていて、それが気に入った理由のひとつは「マンスリーにもウィークリーにも満月と新月の表示がある」ということでした。しかし最近は手帳→スマホ一括管理へとほぼ移行が完了しつつあることから、代替手段としてMoon 3Dというアプリを使い始めています。軽くてシンプルなインタフェースがすてき。月を見てると心が落ち着きます。
@Tim_Burgess: 4thアルバム「ザ・シャーラタンズ」を皆で一斉に聴こう会は日本時間月曜午前3時から!
2011-10-05 17:27:10 via web
@Tim_Burgess: こんにちは日本のみんな、僕達のリスニングパーティに参加してくれてありがとう!どうか色々質問をして、楽しんで!
2011-10-10 01:43:23 via web
@Tim_Burgess: 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 > PLAY The Charlatans, 4th album The Charlatans 1995 #timteractive
2011-10-10 01:59:58 via web
@Tim_Burgess: Nine Acre Court -named after block of flats in Salford where mark's girlfriend used to live. I lived just down the rd URL
2011-10-10 02:00:17 via web
@Tim_Burgess: Intro recorded by Jon in London - approaching Jesus Army mob & sound of a double decker bus braking. Jesus Army was one possible album title
2011-10-10 02:00:38 via web
@Tim_Burgess: 1.Nine acre court - mark's drum pattern & bass playing, vocals by rob, mark and jon brookes & engineer DaveCharles - Storming set opener
2011-10-10 02:01:05 via web
@Tim_Burgess: Other contenders for album title were first shag in ages, chemical risk & Jeff Barrett from Heavenly's hilarious idea the locker room
2011-10-10 02:02:02 via web
@Tim_Burgess: robs solo its ...pretty erm intense
@Tim_Burgess: 2.Feeling Holy Written mostly by Martin Rob & Jon as instrumental Came from rehearsals in Stone. Organ & drums sound ace, good chorus too
2011-10-10 02:03:44 via web
@Tim_Burgess: chaps take a look at my hands ( I was getting all religious claiming stigmata) love the lyrics - punks, skins, bomber jackets all mentioned
2011-10-10 02:05:34 via web
@Tim_Burgess: 3.Just Lookin' - First song on the album with no G, summat I was cultivating. A live favourite and a huge turning point for the band
2011-10-10 02:09:02 via web
@Tim_Burgess: kinda rod stewart's cover version of hendrixs angel URLmixed up with lennon bring on the lucie URL
2011-10-10 02:09:43 via web
@Tim_Burgess: i remember being shown a public info film at school called 10 green bottles - i referenced it in the lyrics - its a rebel song
@Tim_Burgess: 4.Crashin' In - Another with no G - it's becoming a guitar record Me & mark went on holiday to CostaDelSol to write some of the songs
2011-10-10 02:13:12 via web
@Tim_Burgess: crashin ' in another rebel song
@Tim_Burgess: 'loudest tambourine in the world' BrendanLynch, PrimalScream & Weller producer said. Wanted a song with energy of Amazing Journey from Tommy
2011-10-10 02:14:20 via web
@Tim_Burgess: ooooooooooohhhhhh yeah !
@Tim_Burgess: 5.Bullet Comes - Lots of tape loops, impossible to play live. Part dr john part SlyStone part BlackCrowes. Drum loop from Yoko Ono song
2011-10-10 02:17:50 via web
@Tim_Burgess: Lots of whooping, great piano playing, a pitched up loop of my voice sho be do wop- n the syle of a small faces song URL
2011-10-10 02:18:57 via web
@Tim_Burgess: what you gonnna do when the bullet comes round ??? lick you like a lion with a big cat heart - thats what!!!!
@Tim_Burgess: nice guitar mark x one day we'll fly brother
@Tim_Burgess: live it like you love it x
@Tim_Burgess: 6.HereComesASoulSaver -highlight of the album so far!SteveHillage re employed for the album, was asked to leave Christmas94 after 3weeks
2011-10-10 02:23:35 via web
@Tim_Burgess: for those listening on vinyl - instead of soulsaver you'll have Toothache remix from @eddychemical & them chemical bros. Will do at the end
2011-10-10 02:25:07 via web
@Tim_Burgess: I wrote lyrics at rockfield quite quickly about records & band being heroes - come in 5 different flavours we were all powerful individuals
2011-10-10 02:25:29 via web
@Tim_Burgess: The tour for this became know as the chemical warfare tour band & crew at new heights 'enjoyment' - we resisted pressure to make it a single
2011-10-10 02:25:42 via web
@Tim_Burgess: Mark & I did an acoustic tour. Here's us doing Here Comes A Soulsaver in Whitehaven URL I'm looking a bit Michael Jackson!
2011-10-10 02:26:25 via web
@Tim_Burgess: 7. JustWhenYou'reThinkin'ThingsOver - @liamgallagher visited. We played him demo & thought he like it as it was sort of Lennon inspired
2011-10-10 02:27:10 via web
@Tim_Burgess: he took rough mix of a song in his pocketSomeMightSay. Ours reached No.15 same week as country house & roll with it Nme Single ofthe Week
2011-10-10 02:27:20 via web
@Tim_Burgess: i always get the words wrong for this when we play live x
@Tim_Burgess: Sorry, here's the link to that whitehaven gig, here comes a soulsaver URL Jacko's doctor messed with the link!
2011-10-10 02:29:43 via web
@Tim_Burgess: last one written for the album - coming home meant i was coming home after our longest time in the studio up to that point
@Tim_Burgess: 8.Tell Everyone. Ballad alert! About declaring love for the world. Mark played everything except for Master Rob on keys. His name in Japan!
2011-10-10 02:31:44 via web
@Tim_Burgess: just run through it - if your asking thats what i say at the beginning x
@Tim_Burgess: handclaps as always by me x one of my specialities i never get the credit i deserve for lead handclapper - booooo!!!
@Tim_Burgess: i made up the phrase money or the moon its not a real phrase i think it should be x
@Tim_Burgess: 9.Toothache Wrote it trying to sound like beastie boys on sabotage, written as a jam in Stone. Martin off sick, I picked up the bass!
2011-10-10 02:35:36 via web
@Tim_Burgess: driving in the back seat of your love !! again not a real phrase a made up one xx i like those the best timspeak we speak it at tims peaks
@Tim_Burgess: 10.No Fiction - written and recorded one Saturday night jon and mark only. Me all high on drugs, mark never beat this guitar sound imo
2011-10-10 02:40:49 via web
@Tim_Burgess: 11.See It Through - we always used to come up with these songs and still do riff guitar throwaway lyrics power pop gems. Phew,having fun?
2011-10-10 02:44:54 via web
@Tim_Burgess: builds up nicely x i love a good fade in
@Tim_Burgess: nice tambourine xx and LOUD!!
@Tim_Burgess: 12.Thank you - Martin's instrumental me & DaveCharles pass the mic getting ideas Martin liked em, left em to it. Really just ideas vocally
2011-10-10 02:49:02 via web
@Tim_Burgess: Good chance to say thank you to everyone who reads these tweets, comes to tim peaks, listens to the albums, comes to gigs. Yeah...THANK YOU
2011-10-10 02:51:21 via web
ふはー。わたしの英語力はずいぶんお粗末で、なんとなくのニュアンスとノリとスラングで意図を想像してみるくらいが関の山なのですが、それでもこれはたまらないです。特にバレット・カムズの辺りとか、そういやライブバージョン聴いたことないなーとは思ってましたが、プログラミングループのネタ元まであっけらかんと書いてくれちゃうなんて凄い。トゥースエイクのサウンドイメージがビースティーズのサボタージュだったというのも意外に思えますが、言われてみれば確かにあの、溜めに溜めまくったドラムの感じ(今にも止まりそう!)には相通ずるものを感じます。このまま順当に行けば次には5th、TELLIN' STORIESが控えています。良い企画なのでこの後もずっと続いてほしいな、欲を言えばティムさんだけじゃなくて他のメンバーも絡んでほしいな…。いずれにしても楽しみです。おやすみなさい。